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Kromě zlepšení dostupnosti zdravotní péče, chceme jít ještě o krok dál v zlepšení jejich životních podmínek a pomoci místním zabezpečit si i dlouhodobé živobytí. Projekt se zaměřuje na mladé dospělé, kteří pro nedostatek financí nejsou schopni ukončit formální školní výuku se speciálním zřetelem na znevýhodněné skupiny jako matky samoživitelky nebo lidé s postižením, kteří čelí stigmatu. S naší pomocí se takhle učí nejenom praktické dovednosti jako krejčovství, farmaření, dřevovýroba či kadeřnictví ale i jak si napsat životopis a připravit se na pracovní pohovor, jak  používat počítač nebo chytrý telefon na propagaci svého businessu nebo jak spravovat finance a šetřit.


Our Academy offers four different vocational courses, organised during a period which lasts from 3 up to 6 months. The 4 curriculum are hairdressing, tailoring, mechanic and agriculture, and the lessons are provided by local teacher. 

The students learn the basis and the fundamentals of these jobs, gaining professional and technical skills, essential to create their own business or to find a good employment. 

We plan to add other courses, such as carpentry and catering; we believe that a broader variety of choices can improve their chances of finding a job, thereby reducing the regional unemployment rate. 

We also plan to open a restaurant and a training saloon, which can guarantee both a place for students to practice and an internal source of funding for the school. 

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As part of our Academy program, we provide each cohort soft skills classes, where students learn about communication, budgeting, CV creation, problem-solving, networking...

Soft Skills classes are essential in order to build a skilled community, able to effectively enter the job market with strong competencies and higher chances to gain success. 

We aim to build a computer room so that students can also enhance their digital skills. 

Furthermore, we also plan to introduce, as part of the curriculum, sessions dedicated to Reproductive and Sexual Education, mainly focused on sexually transmitted diseases, prevention, family planning and pregnancy. 

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